Friday/Saturday October 28+29 from 6-10 PM
ours start every 20 minutes and run for one hour
Join the Mediums in Rutherfurd Hall for the 5th Annual Hall of Haunts event: RED PLANET! Built in 1905 by the son of world-famous astronomer Lewis Morris Rutherfurd, this old mansion's dim-lit rooms were once the staging ground for humankind's fist ventures toward the stars. By the 1960s America's first astronauts had achieved orbit, walked in space, set foot on the moon, and were headed toward Mars, until tragedy struck! But what happened? Why haven't we yet stepped onto Martian soil? And what will the denizens of this great Hall of Astronomy do when their patience has run out? Find out in RED PLANET—your last chance to escape Earth!
Funding has been made possible, in part, by the Warren County Cultural and Heritage Commission as well as Johnson Dodge